We bought Chloe some sidewalk chalk and she found it more fun to draw on the house. Next stop, Ikea. I had been to Ikea a couple of times before, but never really saw the huge draw. Now that Chloe is getting older, it's like I'm seeing it for the first time! We bought her this chalkboard, which she really likes, and it has a dry erase board on the other side which we will not even show her until she is 19. Just kidding. You can also put a big roll of butcher block paper on this so when she starts painting she'll have a place to do it. For now, however, she is enjoying the chalk, especially the yellow chalk, as yellow is her favorite color.
One of my new favorite things is my new bike with this cool bobike seat. I saw someone riding with their child on their bike like this and thought it was perfect. Chloe likes it because she can see everything and we can talk and sing songs as we ride. And I think Craig likes it too. We're planning on biking as much as we can around town this summer, not only to help avoid the high gas prices, but to start living the type of lifestyle we want to teach Chloe. I still need to get a couple of saddle bags for the back and then we'll be ready for grocery shopping too.
So the big excitement here is that we are making a bedroom upstairs for Ms. Chloe. We dormered out the upstairs and finished the project just as I found out I was pregnant. We had only put one bedroom upstairs, along with a master bath and a walk in closet and decided to put our TV room and computer up there. Bye, bye TV room and computer, Chloe's movin' on up! Here's a few shots of what the space looks like (sans furniture) before our contractor starting building walls.
The plasma TV (Craig's engagement gift) used to be on the brown wall to the right of the window. Now I'm thinking we'll use magnetic paint on this wall and create a bulletin board of sorts for Chloe.
Here's the start of the walls. It's going to be a pretty cool L shaped room. We decided to leave the closet very open in the nook on the short end of the "L". That way, when Chloe gets older if she wants to put her bed in there or do something else with the space we can just move the closet. We've been talking with Chloe a lot about her new room and asking her if she wants to move upstairs. I had painted some paint samples on the wall -- 3 different shades of yellow her favorite color (I originally wanted some bold pinks but after hearing Chloe talk about yellow all the time, Craig convinced me that she would probably love a yellow room). So now when we ask Chloe about her new room she says "yellow" and "dogs" and that is what she will get. A yellow room with dogs. Perhaps these.
It's a little hard to see, but the back wall on the right is where her closet will be. They are starting on the drywall tomorrow so we'll have some more interesting pictures soon.
One interesting thing is the only way we could fit the room was to have one of the walls go directly under the skylight .. so this wall will not go all the way to the ceiling. It will be interesting when we go to paint as to how we'll make a distinction between the 2 rooms on the ceiling. . I'm hoping I'll have a good idea on that soon.
So as this post is titled "A few of my favorite things" we had to end it with the last of Chloe's favorite things. She loves the color yellow, dogs and "balls". Her favorite blanket is a purple polka dot blanket that she calls the blankee with balls. She has been having a lot of fun lately with stickers, so I bought her these smiley face stickers, which she of course called balls and proceeded to take all the yellow ones of the sheet first. While most landed on her shirt:
A couple landed here:
Here's a shot of the 20 1/2 month old showing off her best features -- big blue eyes and a wonderful head of curly thick hair.
Finally, Craig and I had plans to go see the Cowboy Junkies and the Indigo girls at the zoo last night. Last time we tried to see them we got literally rained out waiting for the show to start. Well, yesterday was so so hot and by 5 PM it was probably 97 or 100 out so we decided sitting out in the sun in a crowd on the hottest day of the year so far might not be our favorite thing to do. Instead we went to Ken's Artisan Pizza for an awesome dinner and then to see Iron Man. I didn't think I would like Iron Man, as I"m not usually a super hero type of gal, but this movie was awesome. Robert Downey Jr is such an amazing actor and I loved this one from start to finish. I know, I didn't believe those words when I heard them from our friend Rich, but seriously, this is a not to be missed movie.