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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

4 Day weekend

Ms. Chloe came down with some day care thing so instead of having a 3 day weekend due to Veterans Day I stayed home with her today and had a 4 day weekend. She's feeling much better so it is back to school and work for us tomorrow.

Chloe has really begun using her signs and words to tell us what she wants. She has been making the sign for milk, more and all done. . and occasionally airplane. Her vocabulary so far consists of 'dog' (her first word, go figure), 'all done', 'up', 'dia dia' for diaper and 'hi zack' (though i'm probably the only one who knows that she is saying that.

The other morning as she was waking up, she was babling in bed and I turned to Craig and said did she just say 'all done'? And she did. . she was ready to get up.

In other news, Chloe is pretty much walking. She started really taking off a day after her 13 month birthday. She's got the walking pretty much down, but is still trying to figure out how to get to standing without pulling herself up on something. And, she is working on 4 more teeth -- which will bring her total to 10.

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