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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Double Trouble

Missy Beans has been sleeping pretty poorly since Thankgiving. I've given up a few nights and slept on the floor next to her crib, as it was the only way either of us were going to get any sleep. Today I got a call from her daycare around noon, she was just having a tough day. We went to the doctor and found out she had 2 ear infections. I hate to say I was actually quite relieved to find out there was something wrong. Craig and I started to wonder how many months of not full nights of sleep we might be in for. Last night she was up for about 3. 5 hours starting at 11. Tonight she was pretty happy before she went to bed, but i'm prepared for the 11 PM wake up call. Here's a pic of the little patient before her bath.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My First Haircut

We were going to wait until Chloe was 2 until we cut her hair. . but her bangs were so long they were constantly hanging in her eyes. . so I cut them today. . and she looks like a brand new girl. Here are the before and after pics. We think she looks just adorable!

On the down side, the poor thing is getting her molars in we think. At least we hope that is what is happening, since she has not been her usual sleeping angel self for the last 2 nights and has all but given up on her naps. Hopefully they will pop through soon and she'll feel better.

Monday, November 19, 2007

New Best Friends

Chloe is a snuggler. Which I love. And I hope continues for a long time. She found someone new to snuggle. . though after a while he gets a little tired of it as you can see from the picture on the right. Poor Zack. He went from king of the castle, to bottom of the heap, and now he is getting attention, but not the type he wants. He's such a sweet dog, but he hasn't had the best time this past year. Hopefully the two of them will be best friends one day.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sick, sick and sick

This week has been a bit crazy. . we've all been sick. I never really understood how people could stand being thrown up on. This week it happened to me, 3 times. And by the 3rd time I just stood there and held Chloe, and Craig, watching, wondered why I didn't at least turn her away. And then she threw up when she was sleeping. And I just held her in bed afterward until she felt okay enough to go back to her own bed.

And we are going out of town next week. So it's been a bit crazy, trying to juggle work, and taking care of the bean. Craig finally had to take her to the doctor on Thursday. . she had had a fever for 5 days. After the visit he texts me -- "It's a cold". Her first big cold. Poor baby. And she is getting her 4 new teeth. And mastering the words "all done". That is what she told the pediatrician when she had had enough of his prodding and poking -- "all done". Too cute.

My new parlor trick is a game Chloe and I play. You ask her "what does the baby say when it is sad and she says "wah". "Wah" is what Chloe used to say when she was really little. She cried, a lot, but other times instead of crying she would just look at us and say "wah". Seems like a million years ago. And just yesterday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

4 Day weekend

Ms. Chloe came down with some day care thing so instead of having a 3 day weekend due to Veterans Day I stayed home with her today and had a 4 day weekend. She's feeling much better so it is back to school and work for us tomorrow.

Chloe has really begun using her signs and words to tell us what she wants. She has been making the sign for milk, more and all done. . and occasionally airplane. Her vocabulary so far consists of 'dog' (her first word, go figure), 'all done', 'up', 'dia dia' for diaper and 'hi zack' (though i'm probably the only one who knows that she is saying that.

The other morning as she was waking up, she was babling in bed and I turned to Craig and said did she just say 'all done'? And she did. . she was ready to get up.

In other news, Chloe is pretty much walking. She started really taking off a day after her 13 month birthday. She's got the walking pretty much down, but is still trying to figure out how to get to standing without pulling herself up on something. And, she is working on 4 more teeth -- which will bring her total to 10.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Look Grandma, I'm a walkin'

My preferred mode of locomotion is still the crawl, but I'm gettin' my 2-step on!!